Enrolment Form
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Web Enrolment Form
Printable Enrolment Form
Personal Details

Home Tel
Work/Mobile Tel
Male:    Female:

Date of Birth
Sports, Hobbies

Emergency Contact Details
Home Tel
Work/Mobile Tel

All information provided will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
PART 1: Your current medical history


Have you done pilates before?


Diabetes? If yes, please circle whether IDDM or NIDDM (Diet or medication controlled?) Are your glucose levels normalised?


High or low blood pressure (BP)? If high, is your BP stabilised on medication or on Beta-blockers?


Do you have medical clearance to exercise?


Cardiac/heart problems? If yes, have you had an exercise stress test?


If injured have you been cleared to exercise by your doctor?


Epilepsy? If yes, have your seizures been stabilised on medication?


Asthma or other breathing problems? If yes do you require regular medication during exercise?


Have you been diagnosed with osteopenia/osteoporosis?


Do you suffer from digestive complaints (ulcers, reflux, colitis etc?)


Have you noticed any bowel or bladder dysfunction? If yes, please provide details:


Have you noticed any recent unexplained weight loss?


Have you been diagnosed with any form of cancer? If yes, where?


Do you suffer from any neurological conditions or disease?


Is there any other condition or disability not covered above that your therapist should be aware of in treating you as a Pilates client? Activities include stretching, bending, muscle strengthening and breathing exercises:


PART 2: Your symptom specific history


Do you experience pain or discomfort?

If NO continue to PART 3. If YES:

where is the discomfort? (e.g. outside of my left knee or under my right shoulder):
Present since? (if the result of an injury please summarize, e.g. motorcycle or skiing accident):

What is your typical or average pain?
0 (no pain) - 10 (worst possible pain)
What is your pain right now?
0 (no pain) - 10 (worst possible pain)


Are you taking any pain relieving medication now?

Is it:

Is it worse:

What makes your discomfort better?
(relieving factors):
What makes your discomfort worse?
(aggravating factors):

Please summaries any previous treatments and outcomes:
Please provide the name(s), occupation and telephone number of any relevant person currently treating you?:


Do you give me permission to contact them?

PART 3: Your pregnancy history (where applicable)


Are you or could you be pregnant now?

If yes, when is your due date?
Have you had any pregnancies? If so, how many? Please list delivery years:

Delivery type:

Additional pregnancy information:

PART 4 : Your past medical history


Have you been involved in a major accident? (Including motor vehicle accidents?)

If yes, please specify:


Have you had any surgery?

If yes, please specify:


Have you had any bone or stress fracture?

If yes, do you currently have any metal plates/pins or screws in place?


Have you had any foot or ankle problems/injuries?

If yes, please specify:


Have you had any knee or hip problems/injuries?

If yes, please specify:


Have you had any shoulder/elbow or wrist problems/injuries?

If yes, please specify:


Have you had any other muscle/ligament or tendon problems/injuries?

If yes, please specify:


Have you had any neck problems/injuries (e.g. whiplash)?

If yes, please indicate the date:


Have you had any low back problems/injuries?

If so, please indicate the date the date/s of your first and any subsequent episodes:


Are you currently off work due to pain or disability?

If yes, how long have you been off?


Have you been diagnosed as hypermobile (excessive joint mobility)?

Please list any other fitness or sports training you are doing, include the frequency:


Do you feel your work contributes to your symptoms?


Have you had any recent investigations (X-ray/MRI-scans or blood tests)?


Do you have any relevant reports or referrals to provide us with in relation to your treatment?


Are you taking any medications not already mentioned in this questionnaire?


Is there a history of ill health (heart disease, cancer, diabetes) in your family? (Including parents, grandparents, siblings)

Please print any additional comments here:
What are your reasons for taking up pilates?

What health or physical goals would you like to achieve in the next three months?
What longer term health or physical goals would you like to achieve in the next 12 months?

PART 5 : Important Information(To be done by hand)

Please advise us before commencing any session if, for any reason, your health or your ability to exercise changes.

It is inadvisable to do Pilates between weeks 8 to 14 of pregnancy, unless by special arrangement with you teacher. It is also wise to wait six weeks after birth before resuming exercise.

Pilates exercises are very safe but, as with all forms of physical exercise, it is prudent to consult your doctor before starting Pilates sessions.

These sessions are not a substitute for medical counselling or treatment. If you have any doubts about the suitability of these exercises, you should refer back to your medical practitioner. The teacher can accept no liability for personal injury related to participation in a session if:

- your doctor has, on health grounds, advised you against such exercise.
- you fail to observe instructions on safety or technique.
- such injury is caused by th negligence of another participant in the class/studio.

Exercise should be performed at a pace which feels comfortable for you. PAIN is the body's warning system and should NOT BE IGNORED. Please inform your teacher immediatley if you any discomfort during a session. Please also inform the teacher if you felt any discomfort after a previous session.

I understand that these exercises involve hands-on correction and I hereby consent for my teachers to work in this way.

Online Live and Pre-recorded Sessions -
When you are taking part in live-streamed classes, please note that the instructor may not be able to see you clearly at all times to instruct you individually as in a face to face scenario. Where you have declared a health condition, please contact the teacher before the class if you would like to request that you are provided with suitable modifications or adjustments wherever possible. Please note, when you are taking part in a pre-recorded class, you will not be able to request specific adjustments or modifications. Always follow the safety instructions and listen to your body. Where a movement or class is beyond your experience or ability, or you experience any discomfort, please do not continue the movement or class.

I confirm that I have read and understood the above advice and that the information I have given is correct. I confirm that my teacher may use the contents of this form, and any other information I may later provide, for teaching purposes, and that this information;

*will be used in confidence and stored securely

• will not, in any circumstances, be shared with a third party without my written consent, unless that party is another (Body Control) Pilates teacher who will teach me.

• may be retained by the teacher for a period of time such as complies with professional, legal and insurance requirements that they must fulfil I confirm agreement for my teacher to contact me with information on classes and other Pilates-related activities, and understand that I have the right to withdraw this ‘consent to be contacted’ at any time.

Client ________________________________________ Date ____________________

Teacher ________________________________________ Date ____________________

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